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I’m Caleb Baker.

I’m after the thing behind the thing. The heart that drives the action. In my videos I try to always bring it back to that. There are lots of awesome YouTubers explaining the how. I love those channels and watch tons of them. That’s not me though. I’m after the why. My beautiful wife and three goofy kids are at the heart of what I create and ultimately that’s the reason I’m here. Sappy? Maybe. Inspirational? Hopefully! Different? Definitely.

A: There’s no version of this that doesn’t end with you being disappointed. Basically, I thought it was a funny logo idea and signed off one video with the alien PSA to bug my wife. It stuck. I know… I’m sorry. How about some instagram! ⬇️

Q: 🤔 What’s up with the UFO and deer bruh?

I host a stream/podcast called “Roundtable”. Think of it as a deep-dive into the process of overlanding and content creation. Some episodes are between two people that recently went on a trip together. Some episodes are interviews with other content creators/outdoorsy folk. Some are just wild rowdy groups of guys laughing for an hour. If that sounds interesting come hang!